⍀u001b[31mERROR⍀u001b[0m can't get effective policy for "lenovo@lal:F:\\SuperMemo18": unable to get parent policies: unable to find manifest for source lenovo@lal:F:\SuperMemo18: unable to load manifest contents: error loading manifest content: error getting cached content: failed to get blob with ID q25d34ea65ab001312bc2b180d9a25963-s8d9ca70ba989f93e11e: BLOB not found
嗯……结果如我所料,你的 kopia 储存库出问题了,具体的说是 ID 为 q25d34ea65ab001312bc2b180d9a25963-s8d9ca70ba989f93e11e 的 BLOB not found 了,这个我没有办法解决,你可以去 kopia 官方 github 上求助,或者尝试在官方文档中查找方法解决,或者直接把储存库删了重建,这是最简单粗暴的。